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Looking back on the 2018-19 school year: a Right Brain progress report

Dear Right Brain family,

Each year, we spend time reflecting on the work, stories, challenges, and successes of Right Brain over the past school year as we compile our annual Progress Report. In looking back, we have an opportunity to ask questions: What did we achieve this year? What can we learn from the students and teachers we served? What is the impact of this work in the region and beyond?

This year, we reflected on the addition of the Arts Integration Specialist roles that we added to our Right Brain staff beginning in the 18-19 school year. As they’ve embedded themselves in schools across the Portland metro, the relationships our three AIS staff members have built with administrators, educators, teaching artists, and students have transformed our work as a program. This year we’re also especially honored to feature the story of a fourth grade classroom at Prescott Elementary School. Students Byron, Sansan, and Luella shared about their Right Brain Artist Residency with a movement artist and the ways that experience changed their school day and their learning. Their amazing teacher, Renee, shared about her work pioneering Right Brain at her school and the ways arts integration has since spread to all classrooms at Prescott. These beautiful, personal stories are invaluable in capturing the impact of Right Brain – and beyond that, the report is also packed with data to fully illustrate the progress we’ve made this year.

As we build a time capsule of our year, it’s also immensely important to us to recognize our donors and supporters. Without you, none of this is possible. Thank you! We hope you’ll join us in this work for another year and beyond.

We invite you to spend a few minutes with the 2018-19 Progress Report, beginning with the story from Prescott Elementary shared below. See for yourself the power of arts integration in classrooms across the Portland metro region and the ways we are, together, transforming education.

Our team wishes you a peaceful end to the year, and hope for the next.

With much gratitude,

The Right Brain Team


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