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Through workshops, artists provide an introductory encounter with an art form. Classroom workshops may be post-performance presentations, a series of one-time events in individual classrooms, or part of a Family Arts Night. All workshops typically incorporate a demonstration with a hands-on experience.
Classroom Workshops
- Consist of 1 or 2 sessions per participating classroom
- Are 50-60 minutes long
- Require a licensed teacher or administrator in the classroom with the artist at all times
- Take place during or after the school day
- May have additional costs for supplies depending on the art form and number of participants
- Travel costs are negotiated between the site and the artist.
Family Arts Night Workshop
- Are approximately 90 minutes long (or two 45-minute sessions)
- Vary in maximum number of participants, depending on the artist and activity
- May have additional costs for supplies depending on the art form and number of participants
- Travel costs are negotiated between the site and the artist.
Teacher Workshop
- Are approximately 90 minutes long
- Vary in maximum number of participants, depending on the artist and activity
- May have additional costs for supplies depending on the art form and number of participants
- Travel costs are negotiated between the site and the artist.
How to Schedule a Workshop
Submit a request through our Artist & Program Guide or contact our staff
We will confirm various aspects of the program with you that we pass along to the artists so they can look at their schedule, create an estimate, etc.
If you need an estimate of program costs, ALNW can provide our best “guesstimate” based on published costs and historical data, but it will not be a binding quote. You will need to speak to the artist to get an accurate estimate.
We will ask the artist to get in touch with you
The school/organization and the teaching artist should use this initial conversation to discuss details and figure out whether the partnership will be a good fit. If the artist is unavailable, we will get back in touch with you to talk about options.
Completing a contract
The artist will fill out a contract form with information generated from your conversations. The contract will need to be signed and returned to ALNW before the program begins.
If you are in a school district where principals cannot sign contracts, please submit the contract to the district to process and send back to us.
ALNW will send an invoice
Payment for programs that are less than 30 days will be due on the last day of the program. A program greater that 30 days will have a midpoint due date and and an end due date.
If you have a fund that is held with ALNW (Fun for the Arts, for example), you will see those funds applied to your invoice.
Feedback surveys
After the program is completed, ALNW will send a survey to each teacher. We greatly appreciate your response!